I decided to take today, April 28th, as a mental health day. I've been working a lot sitting at the computer more hours than I ever planned to in my life and I'm just plain burned out. There are weekends but often times I don't feel well one day and the other day I find myself sewing masks.
Today I took A-day just for me. I woke up practically giddy at the thought of going out for a hike in the woods. I went alone which felt good and peaceful. I brought my mask so I wouldn't breathe on anyone and any mountain bikers going by wouldn't be able to leave their droplets in my path.
It was so quiet the birds were singing and there were even birds sitting along the path which isn't usually the case. The temperature was perfect and the peacefulness was almost unnerving but mostly wonderful.
The day continued with take out Indian food, a long hot bath and a self done pedicure. Not to mention time reclining on the patio and enjoying the sunshine. I think we all need to stop, take a deep breath and take care of ourselves. Even in quarantine there is often work to be done and things to do. Slowing down even one step further felt so important.