Well, one thing you learn in Portland after growing up in Chicago, is that everything is mini and down-sized. Folks here talk about crowds. Let me tell you, they have NOT been at the Taste of Chicago at 10pm on July 3rd. The fests here are quaint. Some are busier than others.
I'm sharing a few pictures of Jazz Fest which, supposedly, was once a big thing here. Now it's free, less people come. Go figure. Saw a wonderful performer Annette Lowman. (see left)
The funniest part of jazz fest included a performance in my new favorite venue (ok, not really) "Jazzy Bagels. We stood behind the group much of the time. Very odd to be able to buy bagels and hear live jazz in the same fast food type venue. VERY odd. But, the music was good, and it was a respite from the hot sun. Pics below.

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