Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Signs of Optimism

It appears someone in my neighborhood has some messages to share. I have been seeing these painted signs crop up around the area and it's confirmed that they are increasing by someone else's post on Next Door.
 I appreciate the signs for their optimism and randomness.  Each day I read about more people dying more stores and restaurants closing for good and I appreciate this stranger attempting to help us see some good in the world.
 Plus,  still more homemade window signs greeting the passers by and sharing a positive thought. 

Saturday, May 02, 2020


Its Friday! Even though I took a day off this week Friday was a much needed end of the week. I sat on many calls, again, today. Decided to try to do some constructive doodling to help me pay attention since my life has turned into one ling zoom meeting. The top is my first try at Zentangles which my sister in law introduced me to recently. I love the mini canvases. 
Then we had a mini shabbat dinner (complete with Mexican take out!)
I don't know what they put in challah, but I'm convinced its Jewish Crack. 
Off to the couch to collapse. 

Portland Spirit

I continue to be amused, affirmed and then saddened by the many efforts at connection, humor and positive its in our. Neighborhood walks. So many signs of encouragement.  So many funny gestures (see the dog and cat above). Glad Portlanders are keeping their sense of humor!